gender & climate Initiative

Training for smallholder women coffee producers on a variety of topics related to climate change adaptation.

January 2021- December 2021

Costa Rica


executive summary 

We provided a 12-week intensive training to smallholder women coffee producers on a variety of topics related to climate change adaptation. We worked with youth facilitators, based in coffee farming communities to provide weekly training to 244 participants in 7 coffee farming regions of Costa Rica. Given that in-person training was mostly restricted, we actively used WhatsApp and Zoom to engage the producers, and each producer received an average of 55.8 hours of training.

At the end of the training, producers were able to discuss and illustrate the impact of soil, water, and crop health and agroforestry; and share good practices for soil, water, and crop conservation.

More importantly, producers gained the tools and knowledge to implement regenerative agricultural practices to minimize their impact on the environment.

project highlights


Financial Partners:
CoopeAnde, Yara International, Neues Schwarz Roastery, Western Union

Knowledge Partners:
Coffee Institute of Costa Rica (ICAFE), CATIE, Finca La Hilda, La Ruta del Clima, Foro al grano, Rete Semi Rurali