Meet Leticia Cruz

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Within minutes of meeting Doña Leticia, one gets infatuated with her positive energy.

Leticia's loving and caring energy definitely does something to you. A mother of 4 children, and a passionate coffee producer, Leticia was born to coffee farming family and has been involved in coffee ever since she can remember!

When she married her husband, Don Mario, they merged two pieces of land that they both inherited from their parents. In addition, they’ve also leased a plot of land to expand their coffee production.

While they both own and work their coffee farms, harvest and mill the coffee together, the mill was only registered under her husband’s name… until recently! This year, her family decided to take a step to also register her name as a miller. In addition, they also roast their coffee for local consumption.

It is admiring to see how everyone in the family is involved from their youngest sons (who, by the way, are such brilliant young twins!) to her oldest, as well as her niece, Guadalupe, who is also actively participating in our producers’ group. Doña Leticia shares that her family "stays strong with, and through, coffee."

Visual stories as a courtesy of Sierra Yeo of the Kore Directive

More about Leticia’s Coffee:

Name of the mill: Los Cuarteles
Region/Country: Tarrazú, Costa Rica
Altitude: 1,800 m above sea level
Coffee Variety: Caturra, Catuai
Process: Honey (mechanically pulped)
Notable Flavor note: black berries, black current, dark chocolate, plum.

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