Meet Ericka Mora
from Café EyF.


We met Ericka in 2016.

Ericka, Ruben and her three daughters were the first to believe in our organization. Ever since, we have been working closely with her entire family.

Attention to detail, perseverance and love are a few words that describe Ericka Mora. She is the leader of E&F, which is an artisanal coffee farm producing deliciously high quality coffee located 1,600 meters above sea level in San Marcos, Costa Rica. However, things weren't always this way for Ericka. 

Ericka had suffered from bone cancer that led her to amputate her right leg in 2015. The income she was able to receive coffee at the time wasn’t sufficient to cover neither her personal nor business expenses, and she and her family had to seek ways to improve their income sources.

In 2016, Ericka and Ruben met Bean Voyage. After partnering with Bean Voyage, Ericka is able to process her own coffee, and sell to a global market. She went from producing pre-commercial coffee cherries to roast-ready coffee beans by participating in skills-based training with Bean Voyage earning up to 3x more than what she earned from the commercial market. This means that she is able to capitalize on her coffee while getting proper rehabilitation and care for herself and her family. 

Ericka lives with her husband, Ruben, who does the farming, and three daughters, all of whom play crucial roles from helping process the coffee to keeping the books. Together, they hope to support Ericka run one of the finest artisanal coffee farms in Costa Rica. 


We've worked with Ericka and her family since 2016 and saw her coffee score improve from 82 in 2017 to 84, then to 85-86.5 this year! She and her family put diligence and hard work at the core of their work and it's so clearly shown in all her coffees!

More about Ericka’s Coffee:

Name of the Micromill: Cafe E y F
Region/Country: San Marcos, Tarrazu, Costa Rica
Altitude: 1,600 m above sea level
Coffee Variety: Caturra, Catuai
Process: Red Honey (mechanically pulped, dried on raised beds for 14-20 days).
Notable Flavor note: red berries, chocolate, tea-like, silky body, a note of jasmin flower.

Ericka and her three daughters (from clockwise Maricruz, Raquel and Tatiana) along with another Care Trader (Christina) during a vermicompost workshop.

Ericka and her three daughters (from clockwise Maricruz, Raquel and Tatiana) along with another Care Trader (Christina) during a vermicompost workshop.

Ericka during a processing workshop cupping her coffee in comparison to another yeast-processed coffee lot.

Ericka during a processing workshop cupping her coffee in comparison to another yeast-processed coffee lot.

Ericka’s husband, Ruben Dario, passionately explaining about the plants. He is primarily responsible for the plant care and farm work while Ericka looks after processing.

Ericka’s husband, Ruben Dario, passionately explaining about the plants. He is primarily responsible for the plant care and farm work while Ericka looks after processing.

Ericka and Ruben’s youngest daughter, Tatiana is particularly interested in coffee production. She has been learning how to cup coffee through Bean Voyage, and is continuing her passion outside as well.

Ericka and Ruben’s youngest daughter, Tatiana is particularly interested in coffee production. She has been learning how to cup coffee through Bean Voyage, and is continuing her passion outside as well.