Meet Daniela Gutierrez

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Daniela is a young coffee producer in Tarrazu.

She is the mill manager of her family mill, La Montaña Tarrazu, and is also an active member of her family business, Don Lucas Coffee - a roasted coffee brand in Costa Rica. She grew up helping her parents with their coffee business and fondly recalls these memories. However, it was not until she was in university that she learned that her family business was facing a difficult time amidst coffee price crisis. The youngest daughter of the family, Daniela, then decides to take on the challenge to turn the table.

She radiates with passion when she talks about her role within the family mill. She recalls “when I took over the role that my dad had at the mill, no one respected me nor my order. I was young, and a woman. They [farm and mill staff] were not used to getting orders from a mill manager like me. They asked me to bring my dad to repeat what I had just said.” However, almost 5 years later now, it has changed. “I’m seeing changes. Although I’m still one of the few women, especially, a young one in many occasions - be it, training opportunities or workshops/gatherings, I still do take part actively in the decision-making of our business.”

She dreams of a day where she can see the domestic consumption of Costa Rica grow. “I know people are becoming more aware of the quality coffee every day in Costa Rica, I cannot wait for the days where we will be able to welcome more of the Costa Rican coffee drinkers on our farm.”

More about Daniela’s Coffee:

Name of the mill: La Montaña Tarrazú
Region/Country: Tarrazú, Costa Rica
Altitude: 1,600-1,700 m above sea level
Coffee Variety: Caturra, Catuai
Process: Washed (mechanically pulped)
Notable Flavor note: sweet, chocolate, vanilla, berries, nutty